Friday, November 22, 2013

New Party?

Hey Jammers! Sorry I haven't been posting quite as much as I used to (as in, not at all) but I've been busy with homework and other things. Anyhow, when getting back on AJ I was greeted by the brand-new Play-As-Your-Pet-Party. Here you can play in a regular AJ party... from a pet's point of view! I'll say no more, so you can experience it yourself by clicking the shiny green Go Now button. :)

Not only that, but I was also greeted by the new deer, hopefully coming out soon. I've been wondering whether it was a deer, moose, alpaca, etc. but I'll still probably think of it as an alpaca from now on. Never mind that, but it's coming in right before the Jamaalidays! The perfect early holiday present if you ask me.

This reminds me, what are you planning on doing for the Jamaalidays? I'll be dressing up my wolf in a corny holiday costume! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Why Are You Coming Back?

Hey Jammers! I can tell your thinking, "Why has olivejam come back after ditching us and leaving us with absolutely no blog updates?" Well, I'll tell you. With summer and everything, I've been very busy. I went to sleep away, trips, etc. Though lately I've been wanting to start up this blog again, so here is the starting-up post, pretty much. Hope you enjoy all the blog updates heading your way! :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Big News

Hey Jammers! You probably haven't seen many posts on this blog for a while. I'm just not playing Animal Jam as much as I used too. And tommorow I'm going to sleep away camp for a month, which will just be more time where I won't post. I feel bad just leaving big gaps in between posts, and I'm never really in the mood to share something on the blog. Because of this... I've decided to quit The Animal Jamster. Temporarily. I've been very busy lately, but someday this year or next year I think I'll start the blog again. I just haven't felt the need to blog lately, but maybe in August or December or February I'll continue blogging on it. Also, for the bloggers that put me on the Other Blogs section of their blog, please don't delete this one. I'll continue it later on, and I want jammers to still get help and tips on Aj from this blog. Thank you for everyone who read this blog, I worked very hard on it. Goodbye!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Good, Bad, or Shiny?

Hey Jammers! The Diamond Shop has opened! It has new rares, new animals, and new... stuff. Stuff many Jammers don't consider to be very good. I personally, think AJHQ made a mistake. They put gift card animals in the store! I spent 15.00 dollars on an Arctic Wolf and now you can get it for free! Plus, there are no monthly gifts! It'll take centuries to save up for Gem Shop items, and I loved the monthly gifts! Now absolutely no member stuff is free! Plus, all the rares have come back. AJ doesn't expect to please rare Jammers by bringing all the rares back! And nothing is non-member! This is an outrage! An OUTRAGE!!!!!!!

Excuse me, but there were a few malfunctions in the previous paragraph. Hold on one moment while we quickly sort them out. -Pauses post and takes hot, relaxing bath-

Ok, so though there is a LOT (And i don't mean a little) of outrageous stuff in the diamond shop. But hey, there is some good stuff too. Un-rare members will finally not be criticized for no rares! They'll get all their dream items for only a few diamonds. They'll get the respect they deserve! It is a day to celebrate! :D

An un-rare member discovering all the new rares

See, I told you it was a day to celebrate. 

Ok now that is going a bit too far...

Yet there is one more opinion that goes for everyone... (especially me) Shiny! Jammers, which opinion do you think makes sense? (The shiny one obviously, but might as well see your epic opinions anyway)

Now.. Chow Jammerz! Translation: Bye Jammerz! (I've been practicing my Spanish lately)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Change

Hey Jammers! I, olivejam have decided from now on to stop posting daily updates. There are a million of daily updates out there, and most Jammers that like AJ will actually go on and check out the new stuff if they can. The stuff is out there for all Jammers to see, so why look at updates for the second time?
Doesn't this stuff look familiar? You've already seen it in Jamaa!
I have been inspired by the few non-item blogs out there and by a few helpful buddies, to stop daily updates. I'll post more, and I'll post meaningful words about Jamaa. I'll post fun stuff, like my recent post, and I'll post exciting things about Jamma and hidden truths and secrets about AJ too. Making daily updates has felt like a chore, considering I already get to see them on Aj and then have to post it all on this blog. Thanks for hanging in there, and that's it for my first truly meaningful post! :D

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How To Plan The Perfect Campout

I can get pretty bored on Animal Jam sometimes. Besides playing Sky High, why not host a campout? Well, here are some useful campout tips:

1. Be patient
In order to have a good campout, you need Jammers to come! Go to Jamaa and advertise your campout. But don't leave after saying, "campout my den!" Talk in detail and say it plenty of times. If jammers don't come, be patient and advertise more.

2. Help Jammers understand
If Jammers don't understand or get excited about your campout, they will likely leave. When there are plenty of Jammers at your den, explain that you will be going to ___ in Jamaa and will learn cool facts, sleep under the stars, explore, hunt, etc. 

3. Pick a good location
Remember, to have a good campout you need a good location. Choose a place that has a campfire, interesting facts and nature, not many Jammers, and plenty of wildlife and excitement. You can even set up a campsite in your den! I recommend Sarepia Forest, Mount Shiveer, Coral Canyons, etc.

4. Keep everyone interested
A campout won't be exciting without anything interesting or fun. Plan lots of creative activities, adventures, and fun facts. You can hike, have a scavenger hunt, raft, learn how to hunt, etc.

5. Be a good host
Try to be a good host to your campers. Take interest in things your campers notice or enjoy, and make sure to teach your campers fun nature facts. Don't act too serious, act excited, prepared, and maybe even have some humor. But remember most of all- it's ok to just be yourself!

6. Be prepared
In order to have a great Jamaa campout, you need to be prepared! Tell everyone to wear clothing suitable for where your camping, get bows and swords for hunting, backpacks, maps, and whatever you need to have some fun!

7. Setting up your campsite
I recommend sorting everyone into different tents,  or just getting some sleeping bags out and setting them around the campfire. (Or at least pretend to) Set up everything around the campfire, and grill your hunt on the fire in the middle. Tell ghost stories, and just chat about what you've done and what camping stuff you'll do tomorrow!

8. Make it not too long and not to short
Pick a reasonable amount of time for your campout. Don't make it too short or Jammers won't feel satisfied, and don't make it too long or you'll run out of night and morning activities and get bored. Pick a time in-between that allows you to enjoy the campout, while not get bored.

9. Saying goodbye
There comes a time at the end of a campout when it's time to say goodbye. You'll likely have made a few friends, so make sure to buddy and stay in touch. Remove your campsite, wish everyone a nice day and hope they all enjoyed it as much as you did.

10. Have fun!
All in all, just enjoy the experience and have a good time! Have fun camping, and make sure to be a happy camper!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I'm REALLY sorry I haven't posted in while, but I've had play practice every day after school. (I was a townsperson! :D ) It was actually pretty funny, the chef's line was "This party, will be a triumph!" Yet accidentally, at the night showing he said.  Chef: "This party, will be a failure!" Queen: I do hope so chef. XD

On that note, there are plenty of new AJ updates. First of all, there's the carnival which everyone likes. Lot's of rare items are being sold, and of course cotton candy!