Friday, November 22, 2013

New Party?

Hey Jammers! Sorry I haven't been posting quite as much as I used to (as in, not at all) but I've been busy with homework and other things. Anyhow, when getting back on AJ I was greeted by the brand-new Play-As-Your-Pet-Party. Here you can play in a regular AJ party... from a pet's point of view! I'll say no more, so you can experience it yourself by clicking the shiny green Go Now button. :)

Not only that, but I was also greeted by the new deer, hopefully coming out soon. I've been wondering whether it was a deer, moose, alpaca, etc. but I'll still probably think of it as an alpaca from now on. Never mind that, but it's coming in right before the Jamaalidays! The perfect early holiday present if you ask me.

This reminds me, what are you planning on doing for the Jamaalidays? I'll be dressing up my wolf in a corny holiday costume!