Jammer Of The Week

Week of March 10 (I made this post on March 20, because I just wanted to have a jammer of the week that week even thought the blog wasn't made then.)

 Hey Jammers! This week's Jammer is...


She my bff (on AJ and in real life) and is loyal, funny, and easy to talk to. Sadly, she isn't allowed to go on AJ anymore for private reasons, so she won't be online. She may be a non-member, but has a pretty great den. You rock winterstar84310!!

Week of March 17

Hey Jammers! This weeks Jammer is...


He is a great friend, and has a great sense of humor. He is pretty rare, though when we first met he was an un-rare non-member. We started a clan around Fall 2012, and we have been through a lot together in our clan. We currently have a gift card clan, called Ice Clan. You rock NFlytle!


  1. Sorry I'm way behind on The Jammer Of The Week section! It's getting late, so I'll work on it tommorow! :D

  2. I got scammed by NFLytle32

  3. here is my aj user is unidash status member rarity very very super rare i was a rare nm to
